Windows 下での再コンパイル [edit]

Download of Source Code [edit]

Cygwin [edit]

VC2010 [edit]

autobuild [edit]

Fmod [edit]

Re-Compile [edit]

Generate Project File for VC2010 [edit]

  1. cd [TOP of Source]
  2. copy autobuild.xml my_autobuild.xml
    • Rewrite md5 checksum and directory of Fmod in my_autobuild.xml
  3. autobuild を実行
    set AUTOBUILD_CONFIG_FILE=my_autobuild.xml
    autobuild configure -c ReleaseFS_open  -- -DFMOD=TRUE
  4. OpenSim の機能を有効にするには,HAS_OPENSIM_SUPPORT を有効にする
    autobuild configure -c ReleaseFS_open  -- -DFMOD=TRUE -DHAS_OPENSIM_SUPPORT=TRUE
Sample of change for my_autobuild.xml [edit]

Compile [edit]

Compile Errors [edit]

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Last-modified: 2024-12-17 (火) 20:04:25