OAR Converter for Unity/UE [edit]


for MS Windows [edit]

Change Log [edit]


v1.8.3 (2024/09/18)[edit]
v1,8,2 (2024/09/15)[edit]
v1.8.0 (2024/09/06)[edit]


Functions. [edit]

Normal PrimOK
Sculpted PrimOK
MeshOKTextures are limited to 32 pieces
Tree & GrassMiddlingLinden Tree is not supported. Some planar objects are used as substitutes.
Flexible PrimMiddlingBecome a normal object
TerrainMiddlingTerrain Texture is not well
Var RegionOK
Mega RegionMiddlingRegions of non-root useless
Script/Particle SystemNo
WaterNoWater level of Terrain will be 0m

Bugs or Limitations [edit]

Unity [edit]
Collada [edit]

Attentions [edit]


Sorry Japanese Text

Not Support (そもそもコーディングしていない機能) [edit]
Known Bugs (能力限界) [edit]

glTF/glb support[edit]

for Common[edit]
for Unity[edit]
for UE5[edit]

Download [edit]

Source Code[edit]

Demos [edit]



Videos at BlackJack[edit]

Download [edit]

for MS Windows Binary [edit]

Compile of Source Code [edit]

Needed External Libraries [edit]

zlib devel package[edit]

JunkBox Library and OAR Converter[edit]

Usage [edit]

Example [edit]
Help message [edit]
oarconv [-i OAR_directory] [-o output_directory] [-a adding_assets_directories_that_separated_by_':'] [-f object_xml_file]
        [-t terrain_texture_scale] [-c external_convert_command_of_jp2]
        [-s start_no.] [-e end_no.]
        [-x shift_of_x_direction] [-y shift_of_y_direction] [-z shift_of_z_direction]
        [--oar OAR_file]
        [--dae | --obj | --gltf | --glb | --stl] [--unity | --ue] [--dg | --nooffset] [--joint]
        [-d] [-v] [-h | --help]

  -i : specify OAR directory. default is ./
  -o : specify output directory. default is DAE/
  -f : specify object xml file. only specified file is converted.
  -a : specify adding assets directories that separated by ':'. default is /usr/local/share/oarconv/assets/:./assets/
  -t : specify Terrain texture scale. default is 7.000000
  -c : specify external convert command from jp2 to other image. default is "/usr/local/bin/j2k_to_image -i "%s" -o "%s" >/dev/null 2>&1"
  -s : specify start number of xml file. default is 0.
  -e : specify end number of xml file. count from zero. default is -1 (minus number means infinity).
  -x : specify shift of x direction of all objects. default is 0.0
  -y : specify shift of y direction of all objects. default is 0.0
  -z : specify shift of z direction of all objects. default is 0.0
  --oar : specify OAR file. The -i option has priority.
  --dae : output Collada DAE file(s).
  --obj : output Wavefront OBJ file(s).
  --gltf: output glTF file(s).
  --glb : output glb file(s).
  --stl : output STL ASCII file(s).
  --unity : for Unity Engine.
  --ue  : for Unreal Engine.
  --dg  : degenerate shift data to the origin.
  --tga : use TGA file as texture.
  --png : use PNG file as texture. (default)
  --nooffset : same for --dg
  --joint : Process Joints
  -d : debug mode. display debug information.
  -v : display version information.
  -h : display this help messages.
  --help : display this help messages.

ex.) oarconv -i OAR -a /usr/local/opensim/bin:./assets --dae --unity --joint --tga
ex.) oarconv -i OAR -a /usr/local/opensim/bin/assets/TexturesAssetSet:./assets --obj --ue --dg -d
ex.) oarconv -i OAR -s 0 -e 0 --dae --unity # output terrain data only

Trouble Shooting [edit]

Error messages: "OARTool::ConvertTexture: ERROR: texture ..... convert error (-21, 127)." [edit]

License [edit]

Exemption from responsibility. [edit]

This software is not guaranteed at all.
The author doesn't assume the responsibility for the problem that occurs along with use, remodeling, and the re-distribution of this software at all.
Please use everything by the self-responsibility.

Address of thanks. [edit]

Memos of Development [edit]


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Last-modified: 2024-09-19 (木) 11:30:49