#author("2024-06-16T22:40:47+00:00","default:iseki","iseki") ** Kinect to SecondLife Viewer Project [#jc2105c0] - [[SLKinect Project>SLKinect]] is our main project now - Please see [[SLKinect Project>SLKinect]] - [[SLKinect]] will be renamed to ''Rinions'' - [[Rinions]] is Real Time Input from NI and Output to the Network and Shared Memoey System *** Links [#gd66e2f1] **** New Topics [#k95139aa] - なんか読んでると,X揺れの話ばっかなんですが,これってそれだけの機能なの? -- http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Avatar-Physics-available-in-beta-viewer/td-p/804057 -- http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Introducing-the-Updated-SL-Viewer-Beta-with-Enhanced-Avatar/ba-p/803711 - こんなものがあったんかい.知らんかった http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Puppeteering **** In this Wiki [#w81516ce] - [[Kinect Hack>Kinect]] - [[Real Time Animation Memo>Second Life/Real Time Animation]] - [[binBVH Data Format>Second Life/binBVH]] *** Viewer [#c5fd77cc] - [[Hippo Viewer]] - [[Imprudence Viewer]] - [[Firestorm Viewer]] - [[Singularity Viewer]] *** Technical Memo [#o812571b] - [[Motion Memo>./Memo]] - [[Finger Motion>./Finger Motion]]