#author("2024-02-06T11:38:18+00:00","default:iseki","iseki") #author("2024-02-06T11:43:24+00:00","default:iseki","iseki") ** mod_homeroom [#o974462f] - [[日本語はここ>mod_homeroom (J)]] (Japanese Page is more detailed) - This module supports [[block_autoattend>autoattend]] or mod_attendance plugin for [[Moodle]] *** support module for [[block_autoattend>autoattend]] block or mod_attendance module of Moodle 2.4-2.8 [#m9e5f0a7] - homeroom module displays attendances of all the courses. - This is dangerous depending on usage. So, only manager and admin can add instance of this module. :-) - When you use this module, I recommend that you create a new course for exclusive use. | - | add instance | setting of teachers | select students | view students attendance | view own attendance | | admin | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | | manager | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | | course creator | No | Yes | Yes | - | - | | teacher | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | | non-editing teacher | No | No | Yes | Yes | - | | student | No | No | No | No | Yes | *** Download [#w71c3414] - v1.2.2 http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/DownLoad/SoftWare/Moodle/homeroom-1.2.2.zip - download of dev version: svn co http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/svn/php/mod_homeroom/trunk *** Settings [#g9765b07] **** Module Setting [#j31d1356] Site administration -> Plugins -> Activity modules -> Homeroom Module - The beginning month of the semester -- Specify the beginning month of the semester of your school. Default is September. **** Instance Setting [#hccb9cb2] - Reading Plugin -- Please select Attendance Plugin. You can select ''AutoAttend (block_autoatttend)'' of ''Attendance (mod_autoattendance)''. Default is AutoAttend. - Management of Username -- You can select displied name pattern in this module. - Feedback Link -- If you check off this, links to the Feedback are not displayed. *** Screen Shots [#ef7c30e3] &ref(./homeroom1.jpg,30%); &ref(./homeroom3.jpg,30%); &ref(./homeroom2.jpg,30%); &ref(./homeroom1.jpg,30%); &ref(./homeroom3.jpg,30%); &ref(./homeroom2.jpg,30%);